Test out MaschinenParkOnline

Simply try it out! Free of charge and without obligation.

Do you want to know whether MaschinenParkOnline is the right solution for your used machine sales? To this end, we will gladly provide you with a 14-day full user trial version – including the +Trade In (app) and +CRM add-on modules, if desired. The trial version of MaschinenParkOnline is quick to install and, of course, free of charge and without obligation!

Step 1

Order your full user trial version online using our contact form

Step 2

We immediately set up a test environment for you with the corresponding license for your company and promptly send you an e-mail with your personal access data as well as a quick installation guide.

Step 3

Install MaschinenParkOnline and the associated free Microsoft app on your devices in just a few minutes. No IT expertise is required whatsoever.

Step 4

Quickly and easily upload your machines using the well-structured machine categories. Add machine images by drag & drop.

Step 5

Use and test out all MaschinenParkOnline functions. We will gladly additionally include +CRM and +Trade In (app) in the trial version for you, if desired.